June 18, 2025, 6PM I Anita Dee II Yacht
Boat Attire Recommended
Join the members of the ELC as we celebrate our 2-year anniversary aboard the Anita Dee II yacht in this exclusive, invite-only event. Our guests will include government officials, decision makers of corporate diversity procurement departments, and highly successful business owners of all industries.
Have your crew meet our crew, as we set sail across Lake Michigan and end the night with a spectacular fireworks show. We look forward to having you onboard!
Sponsorship Levels​​​​​​
Platinum - $10,000
Twenty (20) tickets to the celebration
Reserved seating
Speaking opportunity
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Gold - $5,000
Ten (10) tickets to the launch party
Reserved seating
Logo displayed with link to website on landing page
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Logo displayed on event signage
Silver - $1,500
Four (4) tickets to the launch party
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Logo displayed on event signage